Sample Projects

Client – Provincially Regulated Regional Hospital


A large Regional Hospital displayed poor health and safety performance, lagging peer organizations in total injury frequency, loss time injury frequency, and frequency of safety violations cited by the regulator. The Director of Health and Safety reached out to The Redlands Group to explore options for improving performance.


Beginning with a gap analysis of the organization’s health and safety performance, The Redlands Group supported the organization’s management team and their union partners to develop a proactive Health and Safety Risk Management Program.

The bilingual program was developed to align with the organization’s values while conforming with the CSA Z1002 OHS Risk Management standard.  The Program included specific tools, processes and responsibilities for Departments, with embedded key performance indicators for Senior Management.


The Health and Safety Risk Management Program allows the organization to proactively identify the sources of injuries and non-compliance, creating a system for delivering health and safety performance aligned with the organization’s values.

Client – Federally Regulated Transportation and Waste Management Organization


After an incident requiring the hospitalization of an employee, an Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) Labour Program Inspector conducted an inspection of the organization’s facilities and operations. The inspection resulted in 11 violations under the Canada Labour Code Part II. The organization did not have a Health and Safety Department and required assistance in responding to the situation.


In collaboration with the Management team, we developed a detailed Action Plan to bring the organization into compliance with the directives issued. Following the action plan, we:

  • delivered Role and Responsibility training for the OHS committee, Supervisors and Management
  • developed an inspection and maintenance program for machinery, tools, mobile equipment, and ventilation systems to manufacturers standards
  • partnered with workers and supervisors to develop a Hazard Prevention Program addressing high hazard activities
  • developed and implemented a respiratory protection program addressing exposures during welding activities
  • developed and implemented a hearing conservation and noise control program for high decibel maintenance activities


The Action Plan was completed within the prescribed timelines, and resulted in all violations being addressed to the satisfaction of the ESDC Labour Program Inspector.  An additional outcome, the OHS Committee was re-established and engaged to actively participate in managing the organization’s Hazard Prevention Program.

Client – International Organization with Facilities in Several Canadian Jurisdictions


An organization with US-based corporate offices expanded manufacturing operations into several Canadian provinces. The Health and Safety Director reached out to The Redlands Group for assistance in understanding the organization’s Health and Safety Program needs for their facilities across Canada.


The Redlands Group conducted a regulatory compliance gap analysis of the corporate Health and Safety program, assessing requirements for each province in which they operate, and produced a report containing recommendations to address the compliance gaps.  In partnership with the Health and Safety department and local Management, we:

  • addressed specific program gaps to meet jurisdictional regulatory requirements
  • developed province-specific Health and Safety orientation instruction for workers

Additionally, through our Facility Support Program, we conducted inspections, audits, and safety training.  We also provided coaching and support to Plant Managers and facility Health and Safety Representatives, to enable them to proactively identify safety system gaps before they become incidents and injuries.


The organization now has a Health and Safety program fully compliant with provincial requirements at each of their locations. Additionally, through our Facility Support Program, they receive reports outlining inspection and audit activities undertaken on their behalf, progress made, and opportunities to improve safety program performance.